
Frequently Asked Questions

This page allows you to view answers to questions that previous visitors/clients have asked. You can click a question or use the search function.
If you have a different question that needs answering, please contact us here.
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How does the ordering process work?

You can buy one of our worksheet packages on our PRODUCTS page. The process works as follows:

  1. Decide which package you want to buy and click on the "BUY NOW" button.
  2. You will now be taken to the PayFAST website where you will be able to pay through their secure payment facility. A variety of payment methods are available.
  3. Once you have completed your payment you will be redirected back to our website where you will immediately be able to download the ebook that you have purchased.
  4. If you would preder to pay through EFT you can do so and then simply contact us with the confirmation of payment.